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When to book?

The sooner the better! I take a limited number of newborns each month, so that I can maintain the flexibility necessary for these sessions. I understand that there is a good chance your baby will not come on his/her due date! Once you sign a contract and pay the retainer fee, you will be “soft booked”. Then I simply ask mamas to keep in touch with me if you happen to delivery early or are running late. I love to receive a text with a picture of your new arrival too!  

Newborns are most sleepy, comfortable, and cooperative to be posed during their first 2 weeks and especially when they are 5-6 days old. It’s hard to believe, but these tiny tots go through a growth spurt at just 9-14 days. This means they may be irritable or uncomfortable. Also, baby acne may kick in and skin may become flaky. So plan to have your session as early as you can. If that isn’t possible for any reason, you can still have a session, however it may take more time and a bit more effort to convince your little one to settle into the precious poses.

Your session date and time will be scheduled after birth.


When is the Session fee Due?

100% of session fee is due the day of the session, no exceptions.

How to prepare?

Because your baby has been in the womb at 98.6 degrees for the last nine months, I have the heater running in a room where we will be taking pictures. So please dress appropriately! White noise is played to assure baby is sleeping sweetly through the poses and there will be quiet music playing in the background. Sessions are baby led and usually last anywhere from 1-3 hours, depending on the type of session chosen as well as the baby. Sessions begin with a feeding, as babies with full bellies tend to sleep well. Please be prepared to feed on demand if breastfeeding, or have extra bottles if bottle feeding. If you are nursing, please avoid spicy and gassy foods both the day before and the day of the session. I also recommend having a pacifier on hand, even if baby is not taking one. I use this soothing tool when baby is not hungry, but needs pacification while posing. Please also prepare a soft blanket to wrap baby in between poses.

Parent/sibling shots are typically done at the end of the session. With this in mind, I usually recommend that dad or another person take the older siblings out during the first portion of the session. Children, especially younger ones, can become restless in a warm, small room.


We will chat after you give birth for direction as far as the color scheme that you would like to use. From there, I will choose props, outfits and backdrops that I feel will accomplish the look you desire. If during the session you see something that I am using that you do not love (Or the opposite: you see something that you love that I am NOT using) just let me know so I can accommodate!

For moms, dads and siblings, I recommend solid, light colored clothing. White shirts and tan pants are always a good option! Light and simple clothing so that nothing distracts from the newest addition. For your newborn, I have everything that he/she will need! Most of my props are hand-made to fit my style of photography, so store bought clothes typically don’t fit in. However, if you have something of sentimental value, please feel free to bring it for the session.


I’m worried my baby won’t sleep at the session, what happens if baby is unsettled or awake?

That’s just part of working with babies! They run the show, and they’re my little bosses. If baby is awake then I will take awake photos for a short amount of time, and then baby will need to be wrapped and comforted back to sleep. I can only try all the tricks I know. I like to use white noise, shushing, pacifiers if needed, moms can feed extra, and sometime dads just have that magic touch too. Only babies that are in a deep sleep can be unwrapped and posed in naked or semi-naked poses. Please try to have zero expectations on your new precious baby. The main thing is getting beautiful photos, not forcing them to do poses they’re not comfortable doing. If your baby is crying and we can’t settle them with what we know usually works, we will discuss rescheduling.

I am fully vaccinated.

Covid, Measles, Whooping Cough, Flu…you name it, I’m vaccinated against it. Every year when I go back for my flu shot, I check to see if there’s anything else I can get vaccinated against. My immediate family is fully vaccinated too. Flu shots included. Working with newborns and babies as much as I do, I have a responsibility to protect them from anything within my control. I am acutely aware that newborns are not fully vaccinated. You can rest assured that I am—and my whole family is—fully vaccinated. First and foremost, I do it in order to keep me and my family safe from preventable diseases. But additionally, I vaccinate myself and my family in order to keep you, your family, and that precious little newborn safe. So, there you have it…your newborn photographer is vaccinated. It’s one less thing to worry about as a new parent.

Payment Method
Credit/Debit card have 3% surcharge.